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Why should you invest in an online store?

E-commerce w 2024 roku

Why should you invest in an online store? We know 6 reasons that will convince you to do so

Online sales are growing rapidly. Poles are eager to buy online, and there are many arguments in favor of investing in an online store. If you run a stationary store, expanding your business to include online sales can bring you many benefits. See why you shouldn't delay starting online sales.

Poles are more willing to buy online - popularity of online stores 

Odsetek internautów, którzy deklarują kupowanie online, wynosi obecnie 79%, przy czym znacząco więcej osób robi zakupy na stronach polskich (75%), a nie zagranicznych (30%) - tak wynika z raportuE-commerce w Polsce 2023. Poles are eager to buy online, and this trend does not promise to decrease in the future - quite the contrary.

The report shows that:

  • 51% kupujących to kobiety, a 49% to mężczyźni,

  • 33% of buyers are in the 35-49 age range,

  • najwięcej, bo aż 42% to klienci z wykształceniem wyższym i nieco mniej, bo 40% to osoby z wykształceniem średnim,

  • 31% kupujących to mieszkańcy miast z liczbą ludności powyżej 200 tys.

The factors that motivate us to shop online are: 

  • 76% - dostępność całą dobę,

  • 76% - brak konieczności jechania do sklepu,

  • 70% - ceny atrakcyjniejsze niż w sklepach tradycyjnych.

What do we buy online?

Internet users are looking online for practically everything. You don't have to worry that the products you will offer won't find an audience. According to the report, the most frequently purchased product categories include: clothing, accessories and extras, footwear, cosmetics and perfumes. However, we have no problems buying furniture, movie/theater or airline tickets, and even finishing and building materials online.

Eagerly purchased products also include:

  • books and CDs,

  • pharmaceutical products,

  • consumer electronics/appliances,

  • food products,

  • children's items.

6 reasons to invest in an online store

There's a lot of talk about the fact that the e-commerce market is growing steadily, and it's well worth it. Why should you invest in an online store and what benefits can it bring? Here are some of the biggest benefits of running an online store that may convince you to go for it.

Supporting stationary sales

If you run a stationary store, you can support your sales by opening an online store. Customers are increasingly choosing to shop online and looking for products on the Internet. Why? Because they are not limited by the opening hours of a stationary store and can make purchases at any time. 

From the consumer's perspective, it is also an advantage that they do not have to rush anywhere and can quietly familiarize themselves with the store's offerings. By giving up the support of stationary sales, online activities you may lose many customers - don't let this happen. 

24-hour commerce

The ability to shop around the clock is not only a great benefit for customers. The store owner can also gain a lot. An online store will work for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week and on every holiday. Running only a stationary store does not offer such opportunities. 

The opening hours of stationary stores require adjusting to employees and do not include late hours, weekends and holidays. When your stationary store is closed, customers will be able to shop online. The next day, when employees start their shift, they will be able to fulfill orders that customers made online during the stationary store's closing hours.

Larger customer base 

Investing in an online store gives you virtually unlimited sales potential. Your business will not be limited to the location of the stationary store. By moving your sales to the Internet, you can reach customers from all over the city, province, country and even the world. 

The only limitation may be the budget you want to allocate for website development and e-commerce activities. Your products can reach a wider audience. This will translate into increased business profits and increased brand recognition.

Increased brand recognition

Your company is well known in the area where you operate? Excellent! However, think that a wider audience can hear about it. By investing in an online store and starting to trade online, your brand can be recognized throughout Poland and even Europe. The more popular your company is, the higher your business profits will be.

The basis for increasing brand recognition is to invest in a well-functioning online store that will encourage users to use it. In addition to this, you should think about marketing efforts, paid advertising and SEO. By combining all these elements, you can create a strong and nationally recognized company.

Access to a lot of data 

Having an online store, you can use special analytical tools that allow you to collect information about your users. You can use the acquired information to improve and personalize your offerings. 

In a traditional store, this is not so easy and requires a direct conversation with each customer about their preferences. Often there is no time to collect data on the shopping preferences of every person who visits the store. In an online store, this happens without employees - everything is taken care of by dedicated tools. 

In an online store you can track, among other things: what products customers browse, what they order, what filters they use when using the site. With such information, you can better tailor your offer to customers. 

Selling without limits

The pandemic has shown us how quickly we can be deprived of stationary business. Although the situation already seems to be under control and most industries are again operating stationary without problems, it is worth keeping in mind past situations. During the pandemic, many stores were closed. This resulted in their owners being deprived of income. Unless they ran an online business, then they were able to continue making money. 

An online store can function even in crisis situations, when stationary operations will be impossible for various reasons. We do not know what the future will look like, but it is worth being prepared for the most difficult scenarios. 

Why you should run an online store - summary 

We hope that the reasons we have listed have convinced you that investing in an online store pays off. Starting an online business can bring you a lot of benefits and it is not worth delaying this decision. We will be happy to help you achieve this goal and take care of creating a professional website where you can sell your products.
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