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Automation of business processes | E-commerce |
Offer and product configurators | Websites

Get to know our offer

We specialise in the creation of business process automation, websites and online shops, as well as offer and product configurators. We do not use ready-made templates; we design all commissioned websites and tools from scratch. When you choose to work with us, you can be sure that we will take into account your needs and the specifics of the business in which you operate. At the same time, we will stay in touch with you should you have any questions.


Having a company website is standard in today's world. We are not only talking about companies with a large reach, but also about local businesses. A website acts as a business card, so it is worth ensuring that it presents the company at its best.

We can design a functional website for you that fits with your current visual identity. However, if you need a change or haven't yet developed a style that makes your brand stand out then we will create one for you from scratch.

Interactive configurators

Investments in new technologies can pay off handsomely very quickly. This is why more and more entrepreneurs are taking steps to automate their businesses. We can become your partner on the way to improving your business processes.

The creation of configurators is our core business. We offer tools for online use, available for online shops. We can also create an offline configurator for internal company use to prepare quotations.


Appearance and functionality must go hand in hand. Few people will buy from an online shop that looks unprofessional. Just as no one will use a website that does not work. We will create a shop for you that makes you recognisable through its unique design, while also being functional.

We can integrate your web shop with your in-house ERP, accounting or dropshipping system. We also give you the option of multi-channel sales and the introduction of a product configurator. We will help you implement e-commerce in your company.