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Offer calculator for Educarium

Interactive offer calculator for schools


The offer calculator is the second project for Educarium that we have carried out. Our client offers teaching aids for kindergartens, primary and secondary schools. During this project, our task was to create an interactive offer calculator that allows the company's employees and customers to create personalised offers and download them in PDF format.

The offer calculator is embedded on the company website. In addition to its functionality, we have ensured that its appearance matches the current graphic design of the website. Upon entering the relevant sub-page, users are shown a configurator that can be used to quickly and easily create an offer for the school. Users only need to go through three steps - select the equipment and teaching aids, enter the school's contact details and generate a file with an individual calculation for the institution.

All user-generated offers are available in the administration panel, which Educarium staff have access to. Based on this, they can contact the people who generated the offer and bring the purchasing process to a conclusion. This is a very helpful tool for the internal sales department. A company employee can see which products a potential customer has added to his or her offer and can better advise him or her and thus finalise the transaction.

The products included in the calculator have their own photos, descriptions and prices. The list of products is imported from an external workbook that can be completed by employees. The calculator has filters so that users who use it can find products that meet their needs. Products can be searched by name, price or code.

The generated PDF of the offer contains the school's details, the date the offer was generated and the offer number, the products with descriptions and prices, the details of the Educarium company and the details of the tutors who can be contacted.
What can a calculator do?

Calculator features

Creating an offer for the school based on selected products from the uploaded workbook
Offers can be downloaded in PDF format
The calculator collects and saves the details of the payer who generated the offer
The list of available products can be modified via the administration panel.
How did we do it?

Way of working

The store runs on a separate server administered and managed by us
The graphical template for the calculator reproduces the current educarium.pl template.
The graphical template for the calculator has been embedded using a frame on the educarium.pl website.
See how the calculator works