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Online booking calendar

Booking calendar for your business

The Unlimitree booking calendar is an easy-to-use tool dedicated to many sectors. It allows you to effectively manage appointments, reduce customer service time, and eliminate the risk of errors that occur when entering appointments manually. The booking calendar also has an automatic SMS and e-mail notification function, and can be integrated with a payment system. We can create a calendar for you that meets your needs and acts as your business 'assistant'.

Why is it worth using our booking calendar?


We will create online booking calendar for you, that will be fully fitted to your business.  Our offer contains lot of different automatization and features.

Extensive offer

As part of the service, we can create a booking calendar for you or build a simple website with a booking system. In one place you will find what you need.

Intuitive Dashboard

Operating the booking calendar is simple. You will get access to an intuitive panel from which you can manage dates, prices and check bookings.

Save of time

The calendar works 24/7 and relieves you of the burden of handling bookings. You will be able to devote the time you save to other duties, of which there is no shortage in your company.

Experience a new dimension in bookings management

Easily manage reservations for your customers by using our tool. Thanks to our solutions, you can save time and take care of convenience for your clients.

Website with booking system

A personalized graphic design for a landing page website

Booking system in the form of a calendar adapted to the style of the brand

Access to the CMS from which you can manage the booking system

1h of our specialist's work per month for any use

Email notifications about reservation made

SSL certificate, server and updates included in the monthly subscription price

1500 zł once
+ subscription 150 zl monthly

Website with booking system

A personalized graphic design for a landing page website

Booking system in the form of a calendar adapted to the style of the brand

Access to the CMS from which you can manage the booking system

16 h of work per year from our spcialist for any purpose

Email notifications about reservation made

SSL certificate, server and updates included in the monthly subscription price

1275 zł once
+ subscription 150 zl monthly

Booking system for existing website

Booking system in the form of a calendar adapted to the style of the brand

Access to the CMS from which you can manage the booking system

1h of our specialist's work per month for any use

Email notifications about reservation made

Serwer, aktualizacje i zabezpieczenia w cenie miesięcznego abonamentu

Embedding the booking system on the website

750 zł once
+ subscription 150 zl monthly

Booking system for existing website

Booking system in the form of a calendar adapted to the style of the brand

Access to the CMS from which you can manage the booking system

16 h of work per year from our spcialist for any purpose

Email notifications about reservation made

Serwer, aktualizacje i zabezpieczenia w cenie miesięcznego abonamentu

Embedding the booking system on the website

600 zł once
+ subscription 150 zl monthly

A website with a booking system integrated with a payment system

Integration with the payment system that allows you to pay for your visit online

A personalized graphic design for a landing page website

Booking system in the form of a calendar adapted to the style of the brand

Access to the CMS from which you can manage the booking system

1h of our specialist's work per month for any use

Email notifications about reservation made

SSL certificate, server and updates included in the monthly subscription price

2000 zł once
+ subscription 150 zl monthly

A website with a booking system integrated with a payment system

Integration with the payment system that allows you to pay for your visit online

A personalized graphic design for a landing page website

Booking system in the form of a calendar adapted to the style of the brand

A personalized graphic design for a landing page website

16 h of work per year from our spcialist for any purpose

Email notifications about reservation made

SSL certificate, server and updates included in the monthly subscription price

1775 zł once
+ subscription 150 zl monthly

Booking calendar integrated with payments system

Integration with the payment system that allows you to pay for your visit online

Booking system in the form of a calendar adapted to the style of the brand

Access to the CMS from which you can manage the booking system

1h of our specialist's work per month for any use

Email notifications about reservation made

Serwer, aktualizacje i zabezpieczenia w cenie miesięcznego abonamentu

Embedding the booking system on the website

1250 zł once
+ subscription 150 zl monthly

Booking calendar integrated with payments system

Integration with the payment system that allows you to pay for your visit online

Booking system in the form of a calendar adapted to the style of the brand

Access to the CMS from which you can manage the booking system

16 h of work per year from our spcialist for any purpose

Email notifications about reservation made

Serwer, aktualizacje i zabezpieczenia w cenie miesięcznego abonamentu

Embedding the booking system on the website

1500 zł once
+subscription 150 zl monthly

Do you need booking calendarr?
Contact us!

Our tools have many features that can improve processes in your company. Discover what possibilities the Unlimitree booking calendar can give you and get a tool that is tailored to the specifics of your industry.

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