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Unlimitree offer and product configurators

Extensive use of interactive configurators

We offer tools for online and offline use. We can offer you a product configurator that makes it easy to sell customised items online. This solution allows the customer to create a fully customised product without having to contact a staff member. We also design and implement offer configurators for sales representatives. This is a tool that supports the sales department and significantly speeds up the process of creating personalised offers for customers.

Advantages of Unlimitree configurators

Modern shop

The configurator will automate the ordering process for personalised products in your online shop. This will speed up the development of your business.

Customized Tool

We can create a product or offer configurator for you that meets the needs of your business - no matter what industry you are in.

Save of time

The configurator will simplify the customer service process. You won't have to take orders for personalised products yourself or create multi-page quotations.

Flat rate

When you choose our service, you do not need to be concerned about hidden costs. Our transparent pricing policy sets us apart, and we treat trust as the foundation of our cooperation.



Blowtherm - spray booths

Blowtherm - tinsmith's workshop equipment

Are you interested in our product configurator?
Contact us!

We will create for you a professional tool that makes selling customized products easier. You'll save time thanks to the automated process of selling. We'll gladly talk with you about possibilities and answer questions about our product configurators.

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